Guiding Principles
We want all students to be active participants in a purposeful, engaging curriculum. We want them to master the knowledge and skills they need to be happy and successful in their lives and to make them experts in their subjects. We strive to ensure learning is consistently effective at achieving ambitious learning outcomes for every student, in every lesson.
- Curriculum at County
- The wider curriculum
- Increasing breadth of study
- Literacy across the curriculum
- Learning and teaching at GCS
- Careers
- Music College
- Exams and Assessments
Upcoming Events
- Friday07FebLearning Support Coffee Morning Yrs 7-11, 9-10.30amView Event
- Thursday27FebYr 7 Parents EveningView Event
- Thursday06MarFriends of GCS Open MeetingView Event
- Friday14MarInset DayView Event
- Friday21MarFriends of GCS coffee morningView Event
- Saturday22MarSecond Hand Uniform Sale 12-4.30pmView Event
- Monday24MarYr 12 Mocks exams weekView Event